Friday, May 28, 2010

Meet the New Boss.

Same as the old boss.

Mountain Creek resort in N.J. sold to developer Gene Mulvihill


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    how cool is that? they should create an Action Park museum and resurrect the looping slide!

  2. I guess it's back to the paper pants now...

  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    hope this blog isnt dead, i love reading about action park. Sounds like an awesome place.
    I have never been there, but after reading all of you posts, i feel like i have.
    Keep up the good work!!!

  4. If only he'd undo some of the things Intrawest did to the park - like allegedly removing Kamikaze all together when people were bouncing off the water into the concrete instead of widening/lengthening the splashdown pool... and reducing Geronimo to only 1 speed slide. >_<

  5. I just found this blog. Awesome. My family and i used to drive up from Philly to hit "Action Park". It was the shit. No park was better. Great Dventure "lame" compared to AP. Wasn't there a water slide called Cannonball where you were in total darkness then shot out the end, only to fall like 20 fee into a freezing cold lake??
    - Dave , big AP fan
